Vox pop

‘Robert Burns, celebrated poet and philanderer, deserves a purpose-built museum. Burns’ Cottage is falling apart, as is Sutherland Hussey’s design for a new heritage centre. However, my first choice would be Robert Adam – the world’s first signature architect. It would use Adam and the Scottish Enlightenment to focus on designing the future. Architect: Glasgow-based Gareth Hoskins, who did the Architecture Gallery at the Victoria & Albert Museum.’

Stuart MacDonald, Director, The Lighthouse

‘My top ten: Geoff Hurst by Hat-trick, Osama Bin Laden by SAS, Michael Jackson by Innocent, Morecambe and Wise by The Partners, Sir Norman Foster by Design Bridge, Tony Blair by Spin, Kray Twins by GBH, David Jason by Frost, Sir Alex Ferguson by Love Manchester, and last, but far from least, Daniella Westbrook by De-construct.’

Brian Eagle, Creative director, Unreal

‘For many years I have been fascinated and entertained by Spike Milligan – a man who took comedy in new directions. Quirky, unpredictable, irreverent, original, depressive and insecure – all the tools required to make up a comedian. As everyone and his dog is considered as a designer nowadays – celebrity designer ranges spring to mind – why not get Jimmy Saville to have a go. Or am I just bitter?’

Adrian Berry, Director, Factory Design

‘The Museum of Norman Foster by Ken Shuttleworth? I would also like to see the Museum of The Ordinary Person. I am very interested in ordinary folk, but they never get museums erected in their honour. The designer would probably be Mr or Mrs Smith, or, even better, Versace (if we could bring him back from the dead).’

Nik Roope, Creative director, Poke

‘It’s time we had a museum about God. Don’t think religious – think mind-blowing, controversial, political, social experience. What God means to individuals, cultures, entire nations. One or multiple? Male or female? Over time, through the lens of art, film, language, personal possessions, famous faces and voices. Created by storyteller Tim Burton. Anyone fancy funding it?’

Michelle Du-Prât, Insights director, Household Design

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