How to commission interior design

The brief Why is this brief necessary? What is the key issue you want design to address? How will you know if you have succeeded?

The brief

Why is this brief necessary?

What is the key issue you want design to address?

How will you know if you have succeeded?

Agree the brief with all decision makers.

Finding a design consultancy

Shortlist a maximum of three companies against agreed criteria.

Whenever possible meet designers in their own environment.

Ask for a written fee proposal.

Select on the basis of people, track record and skills.


What is your budget?

What exactly does this include (and exclude)?

Is the budget realistic given your objectives?

Agree all costs up front or by stages.

Don’t use cost as the prime selection criteria.

Timing schedule

What are the key dates?

Are they realistic?

What is driving the timing schedule?

In the case of new concepts, has a site been identified?

Build in a contingency for the implementation phase.

Project management

Is it clear who is doing what?

Who else will be involved? (any relevant in-house resource?)

Agree clear project stages and deliverables.

Agree critical path pre-site and on-site (if applicable).


Conduct a review after an agreed xtrading period to evaluate performance and make amendments as required.

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From the archives: Picture Post

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