Random team forms group

The entire design team of Random Product Design has formed a new company after walking out of the consultancy.

Alloy Total Product Design has been created after the nine-strong design team attempted a management buyout of Random Product Design from its parent, Random Group. The offer was declined, but the team has launched a brand-new company.

Alloy managing director Gus Desbarats would not comment on the reasons for the MBO or its failure. He says simply that Alloy “is doing everything possible to move forward without looking back”.

It is understood the attempted MBO was caused by disagreement over the strategic direction of the group. One source says the team was in conflict with another design consultancy in the group, Random Technologies, which is run by Ian Dampney.

The source says Random Group feared the Alloy team would take its contract with BT with them. Desbarats claims that the BT business, thought to be worth around 500 000, is being transferred over to Alloy.

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