Starring role for Land in Moving Pictures tour

Land Design Studio has created installations for Moving Pictures, a touring exhibition from the British Film Institute, which opens in Sheffield tomorrow (Thursday).

The exhibition system had to be sturdy enough to cope with the demands of being reassembled for venues, says Land creative director Peter Higgins.

Moving Pictures will tour the UK for two years covering at least six locations, after its three-month stint at Sheffield’s Millennium Galleries while the BFI’s home is refurbished on London’s South Bank.

Land has created a bespoke steel structure designed to allow for the easy application of moving image, lighting, graphics and display material.

Classic film footage and 3D exhibits from the 1930s onwards will ‘bring TV and cinema to life’, Higgins says.

Objects on display include Marilyn Monroe’s dress from Some Like It Hot, Russell Crowe’s Gladiator costume, Muffin the Mule and the teddy bear, Mr Bear, belonging to Brian Dowling from Big Brother 2.

‘Increasingly tight constraints on museums mean temporary exhibitions are being seen as a source of additional attendance and income,’ says Higgins.

‘We are treating moving images as objects and hoping to change people’s perceptions of what a traditional exhibition installation is,’ he adds.

The identity and supporting promotional material for Moving Pictures are created by Hey Moscow (DW 10 January).

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