
Graphic Interiors by Corinna Dean explores the original and provocative designs created by 15 graphic designers working in collaboration with architects. The projects range from bars and restaurants to exhibition installations and private jets. The book is published by RotoVision and retails at £35.

Diseño e Industria Gráfica (design and graphic industry) and Producción de proyectos gráficos (the production of graphic projects) are two complementary books in a collection published by Elisava Edicions, the publishing house of Elisava School of Design in Barcelona.

Contact: Silvia Brenes on [email protected] or 00 34 93 317 4715.

Mark Rothko by Diane Waldman analyses the progression of Rothko’s work, from his early figurative experiments of the 1920s to the emergence of his characteristic abstract style. The book is published by Thames & Hudson and retails at £29.95.

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