Hat Trick scores a Ventura rebrand

Hat Trick Design has renamed and rebadged high-end printer Ventura, and created a sister company aimed at international clients called Verbatim.

From 5 January, Ventura will be rebranded as Ventura Works!, a name generated by Hat Trick, says Ventura marketing consultant Rachel Wood. The name is to help the printer differentiate itself in an overcrowded market, she says.

‘Print is an oversupplied market. Ventura had a professional image but one that was lacking in personality, so we decided to make it more human,’ Wood explains.

The revamped identity will be applied to marketing literature, stationery, vans and signage.

Hat Trick was recommended to Wood by D&AD, she says, and it took part in a three-way credentials pitch in July against unnamed rivals.

The new identity had to emphasise a certain ‘designer-friendliness’, as well as a ‘willingness to be accountable’.

Ventura has been working with Hat Trick to develop and implement a marketing strategy which ‘makes really good use of design’, Wood adds.

Sister company Verbatim is scheduled for a soft launch in the spring. It will focus on managing foreign language print jobs, with the strapline ‘The Business of Language’, and launch fully in September. Ventura is still finalising the new arm’s business proposition and strategy, but it plans to offer translation services.

Ventura’s clients include companies such as electronics group Sony, Nestlé, L’Oreal, Parker Pens, as well as luxury goods companies including Cartier and Bentley.

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