Imagination designs interactive show for Singapore

Imagination has created the branding and exhibition design for Innovationation, an event commemorating 25 years of technology in Singapore.

Elements of the Imagination-designed interactive exhibition, which ran at the Singapore Expo centre for four days last week, will be installed as part of an additional permanent exhibition, the details of which are being mapped out by the organisers, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore.

Imagination was appointed to the Innovationation project three months ago and worked up the design and exhibition concepts from its London and Hong Kong studios.

The exhibition traces the history of information and communication technology formats, such as mobile phones and computers. It also explains technology evolutions in general and looks at future developments in Singapore. The exhibition was designed to run across 10 000m2 of show space and included ten fully interactive zones.

The exhibition design included projected motion graphics and animations, a series of touchscreen graphics, audio sound bites, a digital game, an interactive survey and a host of short films.

Visitors to the exhibition were guided through the show space using a personalised Radio Frequency Identity badge, which allowed them to interact with the space. Pictures of the visitors were projected on to a video wall and images of their faces were aligned to make up a map of Singapore.

‘The aim was to tell the story of the technological developments in Singapore, from the first mobile phone through to the first e-mail. We wanted to create a really hands-on exhibition and stimulate the senses,’ says Kevin Palmer, senior designer on the project. The exhibition was also accompanied by a series of seminars and workshops. It ran from 11 to 15 October.

Singapore is seeking to push its technological agenda and become a fully wireless country next year. The country has a long-term plan to become fully powered by Infocomm technologies as part of its Intelligent Nation 2015 strategy.

Future developments of INNOVATIONATION:

• Extension of Innovationation into a permanent exhibit with installations by Imagination

• It will be run by Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, a Government body formed in 1999 to manage Singapore’s policy, regulation and development of information technology and telecoms sectors

• For more information, visit

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