A way of finding an affordable non-executive director

Anton Jerges is right (DW 14 February), we all need someone to lean on, especially when running a small business. Unlike big consultancies with numerous specialists, smaller groups have one or two people doing everything. A non-executive director, who can take an objective view of a business, is a great idea.

But designers should be aware that legislation has changed the role of non-execs, and good people may be less keen to commit.

Being a non-exec is now riskier, and so fees are going up. According to an Institute of Directors report, the going rate is between £15 000 on an Aim company board and £54 000 for an FTSE-100 company.

There is another way. Talent agencies can help smaller groups get a high level of expertise at an affordable cost, in a way that they can manage and budget for. We at Heroes call it ‘talent on tap’. This solution gives smaller groups access to world-class talent and levels the playing field between them and the business goliaths.

Madelaine Cooper, Founder, Heroes, London WC2

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