De Montfort seeks dean for new integrated faculty

De Montfort University is seeking a senior design educationalist to become dean of a new combined art, design, design manufacture and architecture faculty.

But the headships of the four existing schools which will form the faculty are safe, says Professor Mike Brown, pro-vice chancellor at De Montfort.

The reorganisation is part of wider changes planned at De Montfort University, which will see 15 schools merged into six new faculties.

Professor Brown says changes to the design course management are “not a device to downsize”, although he admits administrative tasks will be simplified by economies of scale.

The dean’s post will be advertised externally from next month to “test the market”, says Brown. He expects internal heads of department – such as Professor Phillip Sullivan, head of the School for Design and Manufacture, and Professor Vincent Shadlock, head of Applied Arts and Design – to apply for the post.

Brown says unsuccessful applicants within De Montfort are in safe jobs. “Whoever is appointed will have a senior management requirement,” he says.

The new Art and Design faculty launches officially on 1 September, but changes will be introduced gradually over a year to minimise disruption to courses.

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