Turner Duckworth finds extra terrestrial project

Turner Duckworth has been appointed to redesign the corporate identity for an organisation seeking to answer the question “Are we alone in the universe?”

The London and San Francisco consultancy won the contract last week after approaching the US-based Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Institute four months ago. The consultancy approached the institute because it was “looking for interesting projects to work on and we thought this would be pretty interesting”, says Turner Duckworth manag-ing director Bruce Duckworth.

The fee has yet to be agreed, but the work will redesign the corporate identity across all media, including stationery, merchandise and the website.

Duckworth says the consultancy will “do the look and feel of the website”, while the technical side will be sub-contracted out.

The identity will be launched within six months and will seek to communicate the true nature of the SETI Institute more effectively. The body is the leading authority on the subject of extra-terrestrial life and is an academic organisation that aims to be as serious as US universities such as Stanford and Harvard. It was founded and is run by preeminent scientists in the field.

The identity needs to communicate with a broad range of people from children to eminent scientists. It will be applied across the four main areas of SETI’s work, which are: the search for extra terrestrial intelligence, the search for the origin and evolution of life on earth and beyond, education and outreach work, and fund-raising to support the institute’s activities.

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