
Friday 29 November Still time to catch Instant, an exhibition of short videos by British artists, in an interactive installation.

Friday 29 November

Still time to catch Instant, an exhibition of short videos by British artists, in an interactive installation. Each piece has to be activated via a touchscreen monitor, reminiscent of the Lottery scratch card. Until 7 December.

Venue: Angel Row Gallery, 3 Angel Row, Nottingham NG1 6HP.

Details: 0115 947 6334.

Saturday 30 November

The Hidden Art of Hackney takes place over the weekend. More than 200 artists and designers will open their studios to show and sell recent work. Work on sale includes ceramics, glass, textiles, furniture, jewellery and lighting. Until 1 December and on 7 and 8 December.

Venues: Various around Hackney.

Details: 0181-533 5432.

Monday 2 December

You could pop into the Glorious Glass Christmas sale this week. On show will be work by Peter Layton, Marie Holm and other members of the workshop. While you’re there, you can watch the glassblowers and cold working demonstrations. Admission is free. Until 8 December.

Venue: London Glassblowing Workshop, 7 The Leathermarket, Weston Street, London SE1.

Details: 0171-403 2800.

Tuesday 3 December 7.30pm

Continuing the British Design and Art Direction president’s lectures tonight is Jean-Paul Goude, graphic designer, art director, photographer and costume designer in a talk titled No Ordinary White Man. Goude will present his own art film which documents his route through the art world and unfolds the story of his life.

Venue: Royal Geographical

Society, Exhibition Road entrance, London SW7.

Details: 0171-582 6487.

Wednesday 4 December

Why not visit the Royal College of Art’s Absolut Secret sale? Original pieces of work by artists including Frank Auerbach, Tracey Emin and Eduardo Paolozzi as well as young artists are being sold for 30. Bargain!

But the catch is you don’t know whose work you are buying. None of the signatures will be revealed until the show has closed. All funds will go to the RCA’s fine art student fund. Until 7 December.

Venue: Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7.

Details: 0171-590 4444.

Thursday 5 December

To celebrate 25 years of the Crafts Council, an exhibition titled Objects of Our Time opens today. It includes all areas of applied arts such as metalwork, glass, textiles and ceramics, and features new work by Mary Little, Tom Dixon and Peter Chang. Until 16 February.

Venue: Crafts Council, 44a Pentonville Road, London N1.

Details: 0171-278 7700.

Future Dates

Friday 6 December

Taking place at De Montfort

University today is a conference titled Designing Design Research. It will examine whether research groups are the best way to create a research culture in design.

Venue: School of Design and Manufacture, De Montfort

University, The Gateway,

Leicester LE1 9BH.

Details: 0116 257 7570.

Saturday 8 March 1997

Book now for Wired Women: Virtual Worlds/Real Lives, a conference taking place on International Women’s Day. It will explore gender and cyberspace as a cultural form, with speakers including practitioners and theoreticians such as Sadie Plant, Jane Prophet and Caroline Smith.

Venue: School of Art, Design and Media, Eldon Building, University of Portsmouth, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth PO1 2DJ.

Details: Anna Ruthven on 01705 876543.

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