Watering down the facts about our H2O

Your report on the winning design for a tap water container includes some unfair and misleading remarks about the quality of London’s drinking water (Diary, DW 9 August).

The water supplied by Thames Water in the London area has improved steadily over the past five years, and in 1995 it passed 98.7 per cent of the stringent drinking water quality tests set by the European Union and the UK government. This compares with a pass rate of 93.5 per cent just after privatisation.

A major factor in the improved quality is Thames Water’s 350m investment to install advanced water treatment processes, including a highly sophisticated “superfilter” at the Ashford Common treatment plant.

As for taste, Andrew Eliel of Egon Ronay’s Guides said recently: “The tap water supplied by Thames Water is first class, tastes good and is some of the cheapest drinking water around, tap or bottled.” His advice to diners is always to ask for a jug of fresh tap water.

Jane Frapwell

Thames Water Utilities


Berks RG1 8DB

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