The Daily Telegraph unveils new print design

The newspaper’s print publication has had a design refresh, which sees the original Daily Telegraph masthead restored.



The Daily Telegraph has unveiled a redesign of its printed publication, which sees the newspaper’s original Gothic masthead font restored.

The newspaper’s in-house design team, headed by creative director Jon Hill, has completed the refresh.

It comes as The Daily Telegraph celebrates its 160th birthday, and is intended to make it “smarter, more readable and just a little brighter,” says the newspaper’s editor Chris Evans.

The new masthead was originally implemented when the paper was set up in 1855, and was used for 148 years before being replaced.

“We are pleased to bring back the traditional Daily Telegraph type with which many of our readers will be familiar,” says Evans.

Other changes include a new headline and body text typeface Austin News, which aims to be “cleaner and clearer” and “easier to read”, says Evans. The size of type and the space between lines has also increased.

The features, business, TV listings and sport sections have been redesigned, while the number of features in the daily paper has also increased.

The features section has shifted position in the paper to follow the comment section, while the business section now includes a facts and figures box on the first page and more space for comment pieces. The TV listings page now follows the format used in the newspaper’s weekend edition.

Evans has urged readers to get in touch with comments on the new design via The Daily Telegraph’s Contact Us form, and says that he hopes the new look will “make the daily paper a better read”.

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  • justin semmens December 7, 2023 at 3:32 pm

    I do not like the new font used in the online edition.
    It looks like advertising material.

    Bring back the old font please!!

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