Sampson Tyrrell visits Job Centre

A new Job Centre design by Sampson Tyrrell Enterprise is being piloted at London’s Brixton Hill outlet. The group has created the blue, white and yellow logo, facia and interiors.

The consultancy is also responsible for the branding of the Government’s New Deal initiative to get 250 000 young unemployed people off welfare.

The two projects are related as New Deal will be administered through Job Centres as well as from stand alone units. The initiative kicks off in January and goes national in April.

“What we have done is to translate the Government’s welfare to work strategy into a tangible expression which will engage the minds of employers and the unemployed,” says STE chairman Terry Tyrrell of the New Deal designs. The consultancy won the job against DMB&B’s design arm and Business Design Partnership.

STE was briefed to freshen the look of Job Centres. Decisions about which elements will be rolled out to the 1030 outlets have yet to be made.

“Brixton Hill represents the five-star version. Options are being considered on how far to take that look,” says a Department for Education and Employment spokesman. A name change is not under consideration.

The then Lloyd Northover created the existing branding in 1989.

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