Birds Eye eats into growing veggie market

Springpoint has designed packaging for Birds Eye’s new meat-free range of frozen products.

The range is being sold under the Birds Eye core brand, as part of the frozen food giant’s seven-month-old strategy to eliminate all its sub-brands. Packaging for Birds Eye’s sub-brands – including MenuMaster, Healthy Options, World Cuisine and Steakhouse – are being tweaked by consultancies on the Birds Eye roster to bring them under the core brand.

Springpoint director Fiona Gilmore says the consultancy is currently working on a number of projects with Birds Eye. “We’re working with them on clarifying the Birds Eye brand and are helping them refocus,” she confirms.

The meat-free range will initially comprise four products. “Birds Eye is entering a market boosted by the BSE story, but this market has been dominated by small players who have a distinctively ‘vegetarian’ positioning,” says a Springpoint spokeswoman.

Strong use of red is used to balance the prominent use of the meat-free descriptor and give the packs a meaty appearance.

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