INS figures out merger identity

Interbrand Newell and Sorrell has created the identity for PricewaterhouseCoopers, the group to be formed when accountancy firms Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand formally merge on 1 July.

The group also worked up the new name, based on research by Siegel & Gale.

S&G was appointed to create a name last year and presented a number of options to the client (DW 7 November 1997).

At the time of the group’s appointment, a Price Waterhouse spokeswoman said: “One of the big decisions it [S&G] must make is whether to come up with an entirely new name or an amalgamation of existing names.”

However, a Price Waterhouse spokesman now says the group was only ever appointed to conduct initial research.

Interbrand had been working on a global branding project for the accountants before it merged with Newell and Sorrell last year.

Coopers & Lybrand International chairman Nicholas Moore says the name is intended to retain the heritage of the two constituent companies while signalling that something new has been created from the merger.

The new logo is intended to reinforce the idea, says a Price Waterhouse spokesman, and should be rolled out by 1 July.

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