The industry must stop talking change and act

I attended February’s Designer Breakfast, where Michael Peters offered a veteran’s insight into the current state of the design industry in the UK.

He highlighted the problems faced by the industry, including bad art schools and mediocre talent

Peters wants to see the design industry reshaped, to improve creativity and innovation. Not only would this mean reform of art schools, it would also require that designers become forecasters of future trends.

Peters discussed the need for designers to work with clients in small environments to improve profitability and success in the long term. He also highlighted the need for a body of excellent designers to help clients know which are good and which are not.

I must say the design industry has been going on and on about the same things for years, but there’s never really been any kind of action or positive movement towards delivering change.

Perhaps the current state of the economy will force us to stop talking about changing the industry and actually doing something about it.

Our industry needs a firebrand to take up the cause and develop a framework for change. This would require consultation. And then action.

We’ve talked enough. Let’s show the market that professional designers are, indeed, professional, and we can put verbals into action.

Photographers did it some time ago, as did scriptwriters, actors and the like. So, why are we waiting? Let’s do it ourselves, people…

Fraser Black, Managing director, Firedog Design, by e-mail

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