Free-pitching remains a controversial issue

The free-pitch debate has raged all the time I have been in the profession (to give you some idea, I can remember England winning the World Cup).

Interesting that Paul Barfoot (Letters, DW 27 October) should make a comparison between designers and architects. In this country you can only practise as an architect if you are registered and abide by a professional code of conduct. Why don’t we set up a register of designers with a professional code of conduct?

The Chartered Society of Designers is the only body, that I know of, representing designers that has a professional code of conduct (that includes no free-pitching).

If designers respected themselves, had integrity, believed “design” to be a profession and joined and supported their professional organisation, then perhaps we would all be better represented from all viewpoints and be in a stronger position. Or is that just too onerous?

What are we all afraid of? Unite and succeed, divide and fall? How do solicitors and accountants gain contracts?

William G Gradwell

Gradwell Corporate Design


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