Michael Danner

Michael Danner photographed the catalogue for British Council exhibition The Fabric of Fashion. The exhibition is about the coalescence of textile and fashion designers, or designers who design their own fabrics. It focuses on 15 designers.

‘My work normally deals with spaces. The British Council didn’t brief me but told me to do what I wanted to do. I decided on locations which I find interesting, urban settings,’ says Danner. ‘The biggest difference was the way I construct an image. My other work is reacting to something that is there already. Fashion is much more constructed and more a process of setting things up and controlling them,’ says Danner. ‘I was trying not to do a fashion piece. They probably wanted as much of the garment as close to the camera as possible. But I’m interested in what the person is doing in that urban landscape.’

The Crafts Council show is on until 14 January.

see also “DW200011100054”

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