Westminster Council to use service design to tackle local issues

Westminster City Council is looking to use service design to tackle issues around the borough such as employment skills and emergency service integration.


The council is looking for a consultancy with “flexible analytical skills that bring together specialist knowledge of whole systems service design within the public sector environment”.

The consultancy will be appointed alongside a local area team to “finalise and implement business cases for a specific outcome-based local issue”. Westminster says this could be, for example, issues around skills development or emergency services delivery.

The appointed consultancy will work on the project for 200 days over a two-year period. They will work on deliverables such as customer journey mapping, interviews and focus groups with front-line staff and development of design principles for new services.

The total value of the project, which also involves the appointment of a cost benefit analysis consultancy, is £250,000-£300,000.

The deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 5 January 2015. For more information and to apply, visit ted.europa.eu.

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