Design group Dave wins trademark tussle against TV channel

Formerly called UKTV G2, the TV channel relaunched as Dave in October 2007 in a rebranding project led by Red Bee. Its owner UK Gold Services then sought to register the name Dave as a trademark with the European Union’s Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market.

Branding consultancy Dave, which launched in 2003 and is part of the Engine Group, opposed the application.

Following a three-year trademark battle, OHIM has supported the branding group’s opposition, which means the TV channel is unable to use the name Dave in categories including broadcasting, advertising, production and distribution of television programmes. This is because the branding consultancy has previously used the name Dave in these categories.

UK Gold Services now has two months in which to appeal against the decision. If it is unsuccessful, branding consultancy Dave will move to register its own name, which will mean UK Gold Services will infringe EU trademark law if it uses the name Dave.

Dan Bobby, founder and chief executive of branding consultancy Dave, says, ‘We are very happy with the findings of the OHIM report, which vindicate a lot of our hard work over the past few years to protect our brand. We’re now looking closely at our options in terms of enforcing the decision under UK trademark law.

‘As as specialist branding consultancy, we understand the important nature of trademarks and we will protect our own brand as vigorously as we would protect our clients, including using the full force of the law, if required.’

UKTV was unable to comment at the time of going to press.

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