BBC shrinks digital roster


The new roster comprises Clearleft, Complete Control, Magnetic North, Moving Brands, Tui Interactive Media, Somewhat, and Public Zone.

The previous roster featured Airlock, Codegent, Collective, Critical Mass, Fjord, Huge, Made by Many, Magnetic North, Massive Interactive, Organic, R/GA, Research Studios, RKCR, TH_NK and Tui Interactive Media.

The new two-year roster is worth £3-4.5m and gives the selected consultancies the opportunity to work on visual design, interaction design, user experience and other projects across touchpoints including standalone applications, websites and internet TV.

There are also opportunities for design strategy, prototyping, brand development, and project management of service delivery. 

The BBC has a second tender out at the moment, advertised as a Digital Services roster for smaller projects which has an application deadline of 16 May.

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