Kemistry Gallery unveils first exhibition since closure

Kemistry Gallery is making a comeback with the launch of its first pop-up exhibition since having to close its permanent gallery space in December 2014.

Milton Glaser, Dylan, 1966
Milton Glaser, Dylan, 1966

100 Years of Graphic Design presents work previously showcased in the ten years’ worth of exhibitions which took place at the old studio space in Shoreditch, London, and is part of a campaign to raise awareness of the gallery’s plight and get it back up and running. 

Jean Jullien, Phone, 2014
Jean Jullien, Phone, 2014

Work from 1914 – 2015 is showcased, including that of designers such as Alan Fletcher, Hans Hillman and Lou Dorfsman. Young designers’ work and private collections of posters shown in previous exhibitions will also be on display.

David Pearson, George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four, 2013
David Pearson, George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four, 2013

The pop-up not-for-profit show has been co-funded by an Arts Council England contribution of £15,000, and the gallery’s Kickstarter campaign, which used Twitter hashtag #SaveKemistryGallery to collect over £16,000 from almost 600 members of the public in November.

Seymour Chwast, End Bad Breath, 1967
Seymour Chwast, End Bad Breath, 1967

Kemistry Gallery, which was made to relocate due to development work, hopes to reopen as The National Centre for Graphic Design in the future.

Unattributed, Where is the General, 1960s
Unattributed, Where is the General, 1960s

It has assembled a board of advisors to help develop the vision of the gallery’s new space. Talks by design figures will run alongside the exhibition and will highlight proposed features of the forthcoming gallery. 

Anthony Burrill, Nothing Comes From Nowhere, 2015
Anthony Burrill, Nothing Comes From Nowhere, 2015

Advisors include Mark Bonner, president of D&AD, Fred Deakin, professor of Interactive Arts at University of the Arts London and Anthony Burrill.

Kemistry Gallery: 100 Years of Graphic Design will run from 7 March – 15 March at Protein Studios, 31 New Inn Yard, London, EC2A 3EY. Entry is free.

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