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3,103 Results found for “education ”

Thomas Rollett

Thomas Rollett, from Norwich University College of the Arts, has won the £1000 top prize in Cog Design’s 2009 student awards scheme for his work Recognise Me (pictured). Runners-up Sonia

Masters of the universe

Does the world really need more creatives? Adrian Shaughnessy weighs into the education debate by suggesting designers are well-equipped for any career The education of designers is a perennially hot

The industry faces the university challenge

A new report voices the design industry’s concern about universities encroaching on commercial territory. Gina Lovett investigates Unfair competition can cause outrage at the best of times, but when conditions


999 in Angostura brand immersion campaign

Global drinks brand Angostura this week launches a trade education programme, designed by 999. The Trinidadian rum distiller, known for its aromatic bitters, appointed 999’s Glasgow arm around a year

Design Week employment podcast is live

Brand Union executive creative director Glenn Tutssel and Design Council head of skills Lesley Morris both feature in Design Week’s employment opportunities podcast. They are joined by Laura Woodroffe, education

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.