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1,893 Results found for “budget ”

Why did Mr Ed leave the BBC?

Ed Briffa, head of BBC Online, has split with the Beeb. A rethink of its website structure has followed. Mike Bracken sheds some light on a complicated situation. Mike Bracken

Don’t say the C-word

Tim Rich thinks poor relationships between young designers and clients, starts with language. Rethinking our attitude towards the C-word is the first step, he says.

The print process

What makes a good printer? Design Week asks top print design groups what they look for. Report by Lynda Relph-Knight, research by Natalie Spencer

Making an exhibition

With more and more choices for our leisure time, museums and galleries need to shout loud to gain any attention. Design Week looks at how three museums are planning to

Design Works promotes colleges

The Design Works has designed packs for a London Institute scheme to encourage school-leavers to take art courses. – The institute’s Young at Art programme offers week-long courses over the

In search of a little lift

The wet, dull summer has left Tim Rich feeling a bit down. He eventually finds a design tonic in the most unlikely venues of Sainsbury’s and Fishguard.


As the barriers within marketing services begin to dissolve, and projects become all-encompassing, opportunities for collaboration between design groups and other agencies have increased. That opportunity might exist for a

Measure for measure

A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay is the aim of most design groups, with a reasonable profit margin of course. Jane Lewis looks into the sticky subject

Go forth and multiply

Richard Murray mourns the decline in creative fertility in packaging design and suggests designers should take the initiative and get those creative juices flowing. Richard Murray is the “suit” at

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.