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1,893 Results found for “budget ”

Express delivery

It’s no surprise that with as subject as intangible as corporate communications, so many people are at odds. Helen Jones and Richard Watson demystify it for both client and designer


Red Jacket has created a new office reception for ad agency Duckworth Finn Grubb Walters’ Soho headquarters in London. The building was ‘unspectacular’, according to Simon Jordan, Red Jacket’s head

DoH shows signs of unhealthy behaviour

Four things depressed me about the piece on the announcement by the Department of Health of a 38-strong design roster (DW 28 June), which included the astonishing revelation that “the

Can’t play won’t play

The beef war is a sad illustration of Britain’s attitude to Johnny Foreigner: truculent, arrogant and totally negative. The European Designer show in Maastricht brought home to ex-pat Peter Hall

Shop torque

As Daewoo has discovered, interactive multimedia can be a powerful tool in marketing a product. Yaron Meshoulam outlines the success of recent campaigns. Yaron Meshoulam is head of strategy at

Package deals

Designer and client have to work very closely in packaging and branding. In a relationship which can make or break the project, how well do they communicate, and what do

Cadbury’s Darkness

The relationship between designers and clients can be notoriously difficult. Problems can arise either through a lack of communication, a failure to understand each other’s needs, the fact that those

Taking shape

Where’s it all going? Top tipster Richard Watson from EDR looks into his crystal ball and makes a few predictions for the future shape of the UK packaging industry

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.