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3,103 Results found for “education ”

Back to school

Many consultancies are reluctant to send their staff on training courses, but there is much to be said for establishing a learning culture at work. Fiona Sibley looks at some

City Academy Construction

Walker Jansseune in city academy push

City Academy Bristol, one of the 40 UK institutions set up under the Government’s city academies initiative, today launches a branding scheme to help raise the profile of vocational education


UHI status upgrade leads to identity work

Inverness-based UHI Millennium Institute, the higher education institution for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, is set to develop a fresh brand identity when it becomes the University for the


Last week marked the tenth anniversary of the Labour Party coming to power. As the media looks back on its decade in power, what do you think is Labour’s legacy

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.