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3,103 Results found for “education ”

See through the big smoke

Why is the design industry so biased towards London when an office in the capital is no longer essential for success, asks Piers Evelegh British design is booming and London

Newham College buys Zandra Rhodes Museum

Newham College of Further Education has purchased Zandra Rhodes’ Fashion and Textile Museum in Bermondsey, London. It is to be relaunched as an Academy for Fashion, Textiles and Jewellery Skills.


The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change has made the economic case for addressing environmental damage. Chartered Society of Designers chief executive Frank Peters says this presents opportunities

Wider circles

Lance Wyman created an enduring classic in his simple, geometric design for the 1968 Mexico Olympics, and offers some valuable advice to London 2012 Olympics designers. Emma Booty finds out


I’ve just returned from our global creative summit in Montreal. What inspired me? Bags. One of our sessions was on regional examples of companies using branding as a central organising

Profile: Lesley Morris

Lesley Morris is the Design Council’s self-effacing head of skills, and she has managed to get the industry excited about education, skills and learning. She tells Mike Exon how she

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.