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3,103 Results found for “education ”

Designing the Chinese way

Long-term commitment is essential for success in Asian design markets – and remember the local cultural differences, says Sara Fielding

Sun, sea, sand and CVs

Should you throw caution to the wind, quit your job and go to work somewhere exotic? John Stones weighs up the pros and cons, and discovers that finding employment in

News in Pictures

1 Studio Output has designed the identity for the first John Peel Day, to be held on 10 October. A series of gigs will take place across the UK to


I walked out of the Royal College of Art summer show inspired by what I’d seen and by the delight of recognising that education and practice are synchronised when it


Ahead of its report to Creative & Cultural Skills later this year, what do you think the Design Skills Advisory Panel should put at the top of its agenda for

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.