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3,103 Results found for “education ”

Keep on keeping on

A creative input to education and a determination to avoid compromise will ensure, David Stuart argues, that design continues to enjoy its new-found popularity. David Stuart is creative director at


Wiggins Teape has launched a specialist creative papers division called The Creative Link, with an identity by Sedley Place. Lars Nittve, director of the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, becomes


When other design agencies pass your work off as their own, it is not only annoying but it could hinder your attempts to gain further work, says Sam Michel

Progress in the procurement stakes

One of the biggest breakthroughs for design over the past 12 months has to be the Government’s shift in attitude towards Civil Service procurement policies. Sorting out this thorny issue

A year of living hopefully

One year on, Design Week looks at what a Labour Government has meant for design and profiles the key players. On this page Hugh Pearman admires the rhetoric, but would


A new music venue in London’s Hackney draws upon waves for its inspiration. Named Ocean, the venue will sport a multi cultural identity by Dolphin to reflect the diversity of

Soft site, hard sell

A website for photographer Lee Miller shows that a simple design can also be an effective selling tool. Yolanda Zappaterra goes on-line to check it out

Nursery initiative has Advantage

A new company has been set up to take advantage of the change in the Government’s approach to nursery education, and plans to create a 60-strong chain of crêches.

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.