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3,103 Results found for “education ”

Red hot responsibility

Graphic communication is no longer a question of clear typography and aesthetics. Conveying a responsible social message means hitting the right mark, often easier said than done. Peter Hall looks

Government in free-pitch storm

NEWS – The Government is under fire because its Department for Education and Employment is holding a free creative pitch for the design of a new corporate identity.

Scotland’s graphic courses win

Scottish graphic design education has been given top marks over other subject areas in a batch of reports into teaching quality by the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council. English colleges

Hong Kong job for Met Studio

NEWS – Met Studio will pick up design fees of more than 200 000 for designing interiors and exhibitions for a 3.75m health education project in Hong Kong.

Fame at last for Rowland-Hill

Things must be tough down in Bedford Square. It seems that Design Business Association chief executive Ian Rowland-Hill is reduced to begging for cash. The good news is that he

Star born for Edinburgh Festival

The Drambuie Edinburgh Film Festival starts next weekend, with an identity designed by the host city’s Shaw Marketing and Design. A red star combines the festival’s title and the sponsor’s

CSD starts professional development scheme

The Chartered Society of Designers has launched a new initiative aimed at encouraging designers to continue professional training throughout their careers. This follows a two-year enquiry by the CSD, with

Leeds plans multimedia centre

Leeds College of Art & Design is setting up a 1m Multi-Media Centre to provide state-of-the-art facilities and training in the new technologies.

New director at Design Council

Sean Blair, the 29-year-old founder of North East industrial design consultancy Octo Design, is to be the Design Council’s first design director. The keenly-awaited appointment leaves just one director post

Design ‘should copy RIBA lead’

The design industry should take its lead from the Royal Institute of British Architects and carry out in-depth research into its own future, claim members of the design industry. RIBA’s

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.