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1,893 Results found for “budget ”

David Bermstein

Enlightened thinking

The Royal Society of Arts is clearly looking to connect its proud past with the future using the new strapline ’21st century enlightenment’. David Bernstein says it is no empty

Resin casts by Matt Jones

New model army

The popularity of computer-aided design and technologies such as rapid prototyping has marked a sharp decline in the use of maquettes and small-scale, handmade models in the design process. But,


Between the lines

With their samey designs offering little or no distinction from their competitors, the majority of retailers prefer to play it safe when it comes to the packaging design of their


Packaging & Branding

In business terms, packaging and branding are the backbone of design as we define it. Even in the toughest economic climate, both prevail as clients still need to promote their


Mark of creativity

It may bear little resemblance to the Top 30 branding and packaging groups ranked according to business success, but the groups in the creativechart have won a raft of awards

Running up that hill

Packaging and branding must be among the most resilient markets for design. Whatever horrors the economic downturn has wrought elsewhere, judging by Design Week’s news pages commissions keep on coming.

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From the archives: Picture Post

As we head back into our archives, here’s a gem from March 1990. Jane Lewis looks at the creative ways design firms promoted their services through mail-outs.